Number & Operations for Teachers 

    Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009

Set Model


As with whole numbers, a set model may be used to model addition and subtraction.  In this model, negative numbers are represented using red disks and positive numbers are represented using blue disks. 

By definition, the indicated sum -1 + 1, modeled as      , equals zero. 


Figure 2.5 models the operation -2 + 4 as the union of two sets, one set containing two red disks and the other four blue disks.  In the union of these sets, pairs of red and blue disks are formed and associated with the number zero.  The remaining unpaired blue disks model the sum, 2.



                   +           =                     =


  -2          +             4         =           0 + 0    +   2               =    2

Figure 2.5: A set model for the indicated sum -2 + 4


As with whole numbers, a related fact may be asked in the form of the inverse operation: 2 – 4 = -2.  Figure 2.6 models this operation.  Notice that two “zeros”, each in the form        , are added to the first set.  Since 2 + 0 = 2, the quantity modeled by the first set remains unchanged.  Configured in this manner, it is possible to subtract (i.e., remove) four blue disks, as specified by the original problem. Doing so leaves two red disks, representing the quantity -2. 



                   -           =                      -         =


    2        -            4          =             0 + 0      +  2            -        4          =      -2

Figure 2.6: A set model for the indicated difference 2 – 4 = -2


Tech Resources

Investigate  Color Chips - Addition and Color Chips - Subtraction at the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics