Number & Operations for Teachers 

    Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009

Pythagorean Triples


Among the many mathematical formulas discovered by the ancient Greeks, perhaps the best known is the Pythagorean Theorem: Given a right triangle with hypotenuse of length c and sides of length a and b, c2 = a2 + b2 (See Figure 7.4). 

Figure 7.4: Pythagorean Theorem


In many elementary mathematics textbooks, this theorem is used as a context for introducing squares and square roots.  In general, introductions of this sort focus on Pythagorean Triples, sets of whole numbers {a, b, c} for which c2 = a2 + b2.  Some examples of Pythagorean Triples are {3,4,5}, {8,6,10}, {5,12,13}, {8,15,17}, {12,16,20}, and {7,24,25}.  While sets of Pythagorean Triples may be discovered using train-and-error, most teachers prefer a more direct approach when making up sample problems or homework assignments.  The following procedure is capable of generating every Pythagorean Triple.

Step 1: Let m and n be integers such that n > m

Step 2: Let a = n2 - m2

Step 3: Let b = 2nm

Step 4: Let c = n2 + m2

Step 5: Then the set {a,b,c} forms a Pythagorean Triple


A proof that this procedure always generates Pythagorean Triples is straightforward. 

a2 + b2 =

Left member of the Pythagorean relationship

(n2 - m2)2 + (2nm)2 =

Substitute (n2 - m2) for a and (2nm) for b

(n4 - 2n2m2 + m4) + (4 n2m2) =

Square (n2 - m2) and (2nm)  

n4 + 2n2m2 + m4 =

Combine like terms

(n2 + m2)2 =

Factor as (n2 - m2) (n2 - m2) = (n2 + m2) 2


Since (n2 + m2) = c, (n2 + m2) 2 = c2


Example 7.6

Starting with m = 2 and n = 3, create a Pythagorean Triple


Solution 7.6

a2 + b2 =

Left member of the Pythagorean relationship

(n2 - m2)2 + (2nm)2 =

(32 -  22)2 + (2x3x2)2

(n4 - 2n2m2 + m4) + (4 n2m2) =

(5)2 + (12)2

n4 + 2n2m2 + m4 =

25 + 144

(n2 + m2)2 =


c2 =


c =


    So, the Pythagorean Triple is {5, 12, 13}


An interesting feature of every Pythagorean Triple {a,b,c} is that either a, b, or c must be a multiple of three.  Can you identify another, similar property of Pythagorean Triples?  [Hint: Examine a list of Pythagorean Triples.]   How might information of this sort help teachers to quickly decide that a given set of whole numbers could not form a Pythagorean Triple?


Tech Resources

Investigate the Pythagorean Theorem at the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics