
Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009


More Triangle Recipes--Exercises


Part I

Do challenge problem and directed activities in this section.



Part II

Complete the following exercises

1.      Using either straightedge-and-compass or The Geometers Sketchpad, construct triangles with the following features:

a.     A 45° angle, a 60° angle, and an included segment of length 8cm.




b.     A 45° angle, a 90° angle, and a non-included segment of length 8cm.

2.      Using segments and angles of your choice, demonstrate that constructions based on Side-Side-Angle and Angle-Angle-Angle may produce multiple, non-identical triangles.

3.      Relative to directed activities Angle-Angle-Angle and Side-Side-Angle, create step-by-step procedures for each construction.  Justify your procedures.

4.      A link to Proposition 26 of Euclid’s Elements is found in directed activity Angle-Side-Angle.  Study the proof carefully then rewrite it in your own words.

5.      Create a Concept Card for Angle-Angle-Side.