
Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009


Classification & Hierarchical Relationships--Exercises


Part I: Do the directed activities in this section.


Part II: Complete the following exercises

1)      Name the following triangles (based on appearance).






2)      Both of the following Venn diagrams contain errors.  Find and explain the nature of those errors.



3)      True or False

T   F   Some scalene triangles are obtuse. 

T   F   No equilateral triangle is obtuse. 

T   F   An acute triangle may be equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. 

T   F   Some acute triangles are equilateral. 

T   F   Some obtuse triangles are scalene. 

T   F   No obtuse triangle is equilateral. 

T   F   An isosceles triangle may be right, acute, or obtuse. 

4)      Explain why there are no equilateral obtuse or equilateral right triangles.

5)      Create a tree diagram similar to that shown in Figure 2.22 that sorts triangles first by sides then by angles.

6)      Create a Concept Card about hierarchical relationships among triangles and uses of quantifiers all, some, none, etc.

