
Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009


Perimeter & Area of Polygons--Exercises


Part I

Do the challenge problem and directed activities in this section.


Part II

Complete the following exercises

1.      Using lattice techniques, determine the area of the following polygons.  Use both the additive and subtractive methods.






2.      Create an illustrated rationale (i.e., justification) for the area formula for a rectangle,        A = bh, where b = base and h = height (i.e., where b and h are perpendicular).

3.      Create an illustrated rationale (i.e., justification) for the area formula for a parallelogram, A = bh, where b = base and h = height (i.e., where h is the perpendicular distance between the base and the opposite side).

4.      Create an illustrated rationale (i.e., justification) for the area formula for a trapezoid, , where h is the perpendicular distance between b1 and b2, the parallel bases.

5.      Using formulas, determine the areas of the following quadrilaterals



6.      Use the triangle area formula to determine the areas of the following regular polygons.

Side = 4.22 cm 

Apothem = 1.22 cm

Side = 2.86 cm

Apothem = 1.97 cm