
Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009


Circumference & Area of Circles--Directed Activity: The Area of a Circle


Directed Activity                    The Area of a Circle                                                             


Estimating the area of a circle.


The Geometers Sketchpad and model 3_CircleArea.gsp.


Using model 3_CircleArea.gsp, (See Figure 3.33) vary the size of the sector used to approximate a rectangle having the same area as the circle.  For instance, if the central angle is adjusted to 30°, the top right vertex of the rectangle must be adjusted to coincide with the top right vertex of the sixth yellow sector (Why?).     

Figure 3.33: Estimating the Area of a Circle



·        Perform this procedure for the following central angles, recording the height and area data for each: 45°, 30°, 20°, 12°.

·        As the central angle gets smaller, what happens to the …

-        Height relative to the radius?

-        Rectangle area relative to the circle area?

·        Use this model to justify the area formula for a circle, .