
Copyright David & Cynthia Thomas, 2009


Applications of Symmetry in Art & Design--Exercises


Part I

Do the directed activities in this section.



Part II

Complete the following exercises

1.      Using the Geometers Sketchpad and  4_Shapes.gsp, construct examples of the following semi-regular tilings:

a.       3-3-3-3-6

b.      3-4-6-4

c.       4-6-12

d.      3-12-12

2.      Construct examples of the seven frieze groups using

a.       Kali Copy the examples to MS Paint, and add any lines or points of symmetry.

b.      MS Word capital letter fonts

3.      Collect examples of four different, commercially printed friezes (e.g., stationary, wallpaper boarders).  Identify the frieze group associated with each example and mark any lines or points of symmetry.

4.      Using the Geometers Sketchpad, create three tessellations (not regular polygons) based on different symmetries/transformations.   

5.      Using the Geometers Sketchpad, construct a model that demonstrates that …

a.       Every triangle tessellates the plane

b.      Every quadrilateral tessellates the plane